Saturday, September 15, 2012

Talk About Competition

I have been seeing a lot of interesting ads and posts about the current Presidential race.  It could just be the eyes of this humble observer but it seems to me that every 4 years the real contest is called, “Who Can Win Your Vote, By Cutting Down Their Opponent The Most?”  Now, I don’t fully blame the candidates because they hire people to write their speeches, to tell them what the best strategy is and how to attack.  While they do have final say so (or their financial backers do), how would you choose not to listen to the experts you have hired?

All this has led me to remember something I think is a much more respectable approach.  This is a real life experience by a very respectable sales rep I will call Billy (because Billy is the name I use for everything when I can’t think of someone’s name or have not obtained their permission to use it).

Years back, I worked for a store that sold musical instruments, PA gear, keyboards, drums, etc.  I was just about to add an audio compressor to my home studio and I had one picked out from Company A.  Before I had saved up enough to make my purchase, Billy, a sales rep from Company B, arrived to give us training on their compressor.  I was pretty set on what I wanted but I wanted to see what I could learn (also these were mandatory to attend, even if you weren’t directly a sales person, which I wasn’t).

Billy gave a simple yet detailed overview of his product and, at the end, asked for questions.  I asked why I should buy his product over the one from Company A, which seemed to have more features.

This is brilliant!

Billy said he liked the audio compressor from Company A very much.  He praised their features and price point and said it was a great deal.  He proceeded to compare the similarities and differences and then finished with why he liked his product better.  Not only was his product knowledge through the roof but he was very respectful and even encouraging about his competitor’s product.  He never put them down.  He never said they were made with low grade parts or cheap overseas labor.  He never said anything bad at all.  He simply stated what he liked better about what he had to offer.

In essence, he did exactly what the politicians are trying to do but he did it in a completely positive and respectful way.  I really admired that and have always to try to uphold the same ideals when I am asked about music or other composers or products I don’t use or don’t care for.  Sometimes, you just have to call a spade a spade but it can be done with decency and professionalism.  What would it be like for  a politician to do this?  I would love to hear them say, “I like what candidate X had to say about his plan and I think there are a lot of solid ideas there.  What I like about my plan is…”

Thanks for reading!


Monday, September 10, 2012

The Beginning of a New Adventure


I was going to start a simple test post but why do only that?  Why not at least say something?

With my website at going down with the GoDaddy crash this morning, I realized just how much I depend on the technology I have access to.  My backup for showcasing music is but, they are also on GoDaddy servers and, thus, not available.  With the intention of being quite serious, I posted on Facebook that if anyone wanted to hear a demo, let me know and I would email it to them.


My initial reaction was not to have someone come to the studio or send me your address and I will mail you a demo CD, it was to stay needy with the technology and email it.  Of course, I realize I have many friends and co-workers all over the world so email probably is the best option.  Still...  it seemed odd to me I stopped thinking of ways to provide content once I immediately thought of email.

I truly am happy to live in this world of amazing technology but I think it can be a double-edged sword.  Guess I am still a bit old school.  I like it that way.  Yes, I realize the irony of saying this through an internet blog!

Over the coming weeks, months, years...  I will post thoughts, talk about exciting projects whatever comes to mind.  I have had some good suggestions about content including interviews so it will be interesting to see this all develop.

I look forward to sharing with you all!