2015 has seen the launch of Rebel Creative, a new podcast by Deane Ogden (www.deaneogden.com) and I (www.scotthaskin.com) Currently, the last statistics I have seen show us with over 16,000 people on the mailing list and #16 in business podcasts on iTunes. This means a great deal to Deane and I.
What is it all about?
If you own a creative business such as being a musician, an actor, an author, an editor, a painter... anything company where your job is to be creative, this podcast is for you! We cover all kinds of business related topics designed for you to spend more time working on your creative side and less time working on the business side, allowing you more time to do the part that caused you to want to get into it to begin with.
The best part?
It is free! Actually, that isn't quite true. It is an investment in your time. Most episodes are under 20 minutes long and you can listen through iTunes or on your internet ready device through the website.
What do we ask in return?
A couple things.
First, this podcast is interactive. You ask the question and we answer it. For that to happy, you have to ask the question. Follow the link to the website below and hit the orange button at the bottom to send in your question. Too shy to call? That's ok, you can also email me your question at scott@scotthaskin.com however, people seem to identify more with the subject when they can hear a person attached.
Second, feel free to get involved in the Facebook discussion group. The magic really blossoms there with different listeners adding their take and expanding the topic beyond the show itself.
Third, spread the word! Chances are that you, being a creative business owner, know other creative business owners that can benefit as well.
Fourth, and finally, please leave us iTunes ratings. This helps keep us in the top of the category which, reaches more people so we can do our best to make their lives easier, which is the goal.
Thanks to all who have listened, rated, shared and written to us personally to tell us how the show has helped them. That's why we decided to do it in the first place. Knowing that the dream is coming true is the biggest payoff we could have.
Check it out:
Rebels, you may move about the world.