Saturday, March 25, 2017

What If We’ve Got It Wrong?

A few days ago, I had a thought.  I am not exactly certain where it came from but I let it carry out a bit and decided it was interesting enough to me to share and maybe someone else would find it interesting as well.  I remember a few years ago, reading one of Masaru Emoto’s books on water crystals, he told a story about a diseased lake.  A bunch of people got together and united to clear the lake of the disease and it worked.  They were all focused and concentrated on one thing, all together, and they solved a problem.

As that thought carried out, it made me think of all the people I see, friends included, that work hard to raise money to cure a disease or to prevent something like animal abuse.  Personally, I applaud anyone who fights for something to make the world better.  Whether I am able to participate or if it is something I believe in or like the way it is done, I support all of it on one level or another.  I’ve seen so many attempts to raise funds for research, prevention, and so on but what has it accomplished?  What has been cured?  Has abuse stopped?  No.

Maybe the problem is that everyone is so disconnected.  Everyone is fighting for their own causes, along with whatever group also supports that same fight, alone or separate or with smaller groups.  Maybe that only equals one or two people at that lake, with little power to make change.  Maybe it is like throwing a handful of water at a forest fire or like crushing an aspirin and only throwing a couple grains at a headache.  Not effective.  I’m not saying this absolutely is the answer but what we’re doing doesn’t seem to make much difference, does it?  At least not by the way people complain on social media and the fact funds are still being raised in mass quantity.

So what if we’ve got it all wrong?  What if we’re so busy doing what we know how to do that we’re missing what we could be doing?  Instead of attacking each of the individual problems, what if the answer were broader?  What if we focused on global health instead of breaking off into less powerful; groups attacking each individual issue?  What if we all gathered around the problem, held hands and could make an impact like that diseased lake?

Just like anything in life, when what you are doing isn’t working, you have to start looking for alternate solutions and giving things a try.

Like I said, I am not saying this is absolutely the answer but, what if…?

What do you think the solution is?

