Tuesday, July 12, 2016


There it is but what does it mean?  What does it mean to you?

Just a few days ago, my dear friend Magreeshi (http://www.magareeshi.com/) had an idea of sharing pictures drawn all over with washable sidewalk chalk.  She used the phrase #WetChalkMovement.  I thought it was brilliant and so did a lot of others who started painting their driveways and any available spaces with happy and beautiful pictures.  All kinds of photos and stories were sent in to show her that what she did had a positive impact on people.

I had been pondering for a while what I might be able to do to help bring peace to the world more than I have through my Mental Sauna and other music.  When Magreeshi sent this post out, I came up with #HappyPeopleDoNotHurtEachOther.  While that said what I wanted to say, it didn’t work the way I wanted it to. No matter how you say it, the focus is on hurting people.  I sent it out to a couple trusted people and got responses which eventually brought me to the title of this Blog.

Why didn’t the original version work when it said the same thing?  I strongly believe that specific language paints a picture so, to get the point across, you have to paint the picture in words that you want people to see.  Had I sent the first one, people would think about happy people committing acts of violence.  That wasn’t what I wanted at all.  I often think of Mother Theresa’s statement about refusing to support an anti-war rally but would always support a peace rally.  They both have the same goal but the focus of the former is still on war.  If you say anti-war, what do you picture?  Battle?  Body parts?  Tanks?  That’s exactly why it doesn’t work.  What do you picture when you think peace rally?

When you think about it, how many happy people go around hurting other people?  Not too many, right?  What do happy people do?  They want to stay in that feeling and make others feel good, too.  What do unhappy people do?  Speak louder and louder until someone else is as miserable as they are.  It has gotten even worse not that social media has given everyone a voice.  They have not always chosen to use it wisely.  Many of the posts I used to see are anger fueled, opinionated and some downright hateful.  What does this help?  Nothing.  These people are just speaking out and not doing anything to bring about any change, which is what #HappyPeopleMakeASafeWorld is all about.

When you have dried, caked on dirt in a glass, you can’t just pour it out and be done.  You have to run water through it to get the glass clean again, right?  Your mind is no different.  You have to filter out the bad things in your mind by flushing them out with good things.  I see #HappyPeopleMakeASafeWorld as the clear, clean liquid that can wash that dirt away.

I can’t do it alone. Please help me spread the word about this.  Let’s clean the dirt off the glass so we can see the beauty of the world through it.  Let go of the pointless hatred that isn’t doing anything but separating us all.  Cut out the news that is depressing and doesn’t tell you anything you need to know.  Take everything you can that makes you feel bad when you see it and get it out of your face.  Surround yourself with things that make you smile.  Some things you can do easily, others will take time.  One thing I did was change my home page to Google so I don’t see all the horrible things in the world that are going on first thing in the morning when I get on the internet to check my email since there is no news feed.  Some things are that simple.

Let’s all get together and make the world happy and safe.  Share it everywhere you can.  If you have ideas on how to expand on this, I would love to hear them.  Please leave a comment below.

Thank you and make today beautiful - for you and everyone else!



  1. Thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom and inspiration. I truly believe that 99% of people are of good moral fiber, yet often people are caught up in stories of the 1% who are not. This keeps us divided, full of fear and hatred and does absolutely nothing but prohibit us from living a happier life.

    I have not watched the news in probably 10 years and do my best to avoid the political rantings and memes on Facebook, discussions of "terrorism" and racism and abuse and any other negative national or world events. By not buying into them or allowing them to affect me or my happiness, I am much more inclined to be happier and at peace with my perception of the world around me. I know people who are afraid to walk out their front door and who feel like they always have to look over their shoulder because the media has made them feel like they are unsafe anywhere. If we were truly unsafe everywhere, we would constantly be witnessing acts of violence all around us. But we don't. Rarely, if ever do we see this in our every day life aside from the tv or internet. Perhaps it is because it really doesn't exist to the extent everyone perceives it does, but they have been taught to believe that it is all around us.

    I think #happypeoplemakeasafeworld is a testament to what 99% of people not only want to see in their everyday lives but what we are actually experiencing when we are out in society. If we turn off the television and refuse to buy into the negative and mostly made up propaganda as a whole, and instead focus on what makes us feel good, the fear and anxiety would disappear. I have experienced this in my own life and wish the same for all others.

  2. Well said, Lee. I would agree completely! For anyone who wants to read your work, the can go to:

  3. I'm excited to see #happypeoplemakeasafeworld spread all over the world with images and stories of happy people leading happy lives! ... Thanks, also, for the shout out. :) I so appreciate your support!

  4. Back at you and my feelings are the same for #WetChalkMovement. I think you really have something there and the pics kep pouring in to prove it!
